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Life is an adventure. Sometimes I yearn for boredom, yet it never comes. This is an account of my struggles & triumphs- my struggle to know God & understand the "why" behind it all. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain" This is just me - learning to dance - sometimes gracefully, but most the time - stepping on my 2 left feet..

Friday, April 22, 2011


Prayer is a funny thing.  It's been my experience that it is something you have to really discipline yourself to do, even though you know it has amazing results.  Prayer has the power to change your situation or sometimes your attitude about the situation.  Either way - it makes it better.  So why then do we have to "make" ourselves do it?  By not praying we are purposely sabotaging ourselves.
Recently I have had so many answers to prayers.  I am totally undeserving because if someone talked to me for a few moments each morning and then expected me to do "everything" for them - not sure I'd follow through and yet somehow God always does.  I'm finding lately that above all when I pray, God is giving me such a peace that everything is going to be okay.  I love the picture of the man in the lighthouse in Boston harbour with waves crashing all about him.  He's so calm.  That is such a good picture of my life. (one day I'm going to buy that picture)  Furious waves are all about him -- but as long as he stays within the walls of the lighthouse -- he's fine.  I'm learning to stay in the lighthouse rather than getting in my boat and trying to go to a new destination.
I'm amazed that after 6 years of prayer we may have an answer to my youngest son's illness - but even if we do not; it doesn't affect the strength of the lighthouse - just the height of the waves.
My grandmother died on this past Christmas Eve.  My youngest daughter in particular is still having a very hard time dealing with her death - today I will pass on my grandmothers legacy to her.  "Maw" prayed for each of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren daily by name.  We all knew this - it always brought me great comfort to know I was being prayed for daily.  Today I will give that to my 7 year old.  She misses her so much - we are going to carry on her tradition.  I bought a new prayer journal for myself a few days ago and she commented how pretty it was.  Today we will talk about Maw's commitment to prayer and how much that meant to her and myself.  Today my little girl will be given that little book she so admired as a remembrance of Maw and we will talk about carrying on the tradition.  I will teach her how to use it.  Today a new prayer warrior will be born for heaven's kingdom.  I'm going to give her the best gift I know -- the peace that comes through prayer.

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