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Life is an adventure. Sometimes I yearn for boredom, yet it never comes. This is an account of my struggles & triumphs- my struggle to know God & understand the "why" behind it all. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain" This is just me - learning to dance - sometimes gracefully, but most the time - stepping on my 2 left feet..

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunshine despite the Rain

Wow!  I can't believe it's been so long since I posted!  This week has been a whirlwind.  We moved in with our friends Amanda & Gabe.  I cannot believe how kind they have been - truly hospitable people with very loving hearts.  We spent the week learning how she does everything and they left for Europe yesterday.  I am hoping that when they come home I'll be able to tell them that we have found a buyer and sold her house -- they would be thrilled.  (They are changing stations with the military).  So the week was filled with moving, learning the intricacies of her house and all the technicalities for selling it & just having a good time with our great new friends.

My oldest son finally saw the specialist.  His pain had subsided, but we were so thankful the appointment finally had come.  He had 2 previous sonograms that had showed a tumor -- this time the sonogram showed nothing -- the tumor was completely gone!  I had to fight back the tears when the doctor told me it was gone.  Of course the doctor had an explanation of "why" it could just go away -- but I know it is because so many people were praying.  God is so good.

Right on the heals of learning my son was going to be okay - my mother called to let me know my Dad had suffered a small heart attack. (literally - I was on my way home from the doctor's appointment) I couldn't help but pray "God I really would like to catch my breath sometimes" - but I knew that God had everything under control - He took care of my son - He could take care of my Daddy.  The doctors caught it in time and have placed another stint into his heart.  He was released from the hospital yesterday.  Again may I just say - God is so good.

Today my child with RAD had the best pass we have had to date.  Things went very well.  Before he went back to the hospital we had a talk about the things that make him feel safe so we can incorporate them into our house.  He became very glum and expressed that he really wants to come home but doesn't think he should come home.  He stated that he isn't ready. We assured him that no one was going to make him come home before he was ready & that would be a team decision - his doctor, therapist, Mommy, Daddy & him.  It was not a pleasant conversation, but I took it as progress that he was open with us and that he realizes that he is not ready.

Today I am hopeful.  I saw God provide us a nice place to stay & take perfect care of my oldest son & intervention for my Daddy.  While it is still raining where my RAD child is concerned - today the sun is shining through the clouds.

For a family - together is the nicest place to be & one day my family will have that again.

Dancing in Hope,


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